Since version 1.9, Ruby has had Object#tap. tap started life as Rails ActiveSupport Object#returning. Here’s the old Rails source code:

# A Ruby-ized realization of the K combinator, courtesy of Mikael Brockman.
#   def foo
#     returning values = [] do
#       values << 'bar'
#       values << 'baz'
#     end
#   end
#   foo # => ['bar', 'baz']
#   def foo
#     returning [] do |values|
#       values << 'bar'
#       values << 'baz'
#     end
#   end
#   foo # => ['bar', 'baz']
def returning(value)

Pass returning an object and a block and it returns the object, after running the block on that object. Object#tap is a slight variation on this theme[1].

Clojure has a similar function called doto that generalizes the idea. Here’s an example:

;; Note that even though println returns nil, doto still returns the HashMap object
user> (doto (java.util.HashMap.)
            (.put "a" 1)
            (.put "b" 2)
#<HashMap {b=2, a=1}>
{"b" 2, "a" 1}

The comment in the Ruby on Rails code and Jamis Buck’s, 2006 Mining ActiveSupport: Object#returning refer to this functionality as an example of the K combinator. Though returning and doto are useful, and they can really improve your (object-oriented, side-effect-dependent) code by making your intentions plain, they are not examples of the K combinator.

Contrary to Buck’s analysis, a K combinator is not really a “function of two arguments”. Well, in a curried language like Haskell, it is usable as a function of two arguments. But the way that (potentially) two-argument function is almost always used, is as a one-argument function that produces a function. Dig Haskell’s const, an actual K combinator:

const :: a -> b -> a

Indeed you see what is potentially a two argument function. But the way const will be used is:

>>> map (const 42) [0..3]

See what happened there? const 42 produces a function, which, when passed any parameter, e.g. 0, 1, 2, or 3, will just return 42.

Similarly, Clojure has (constantly x) that:

Returns a function that takes any number of arguments and returns x.

These are K combinators.

Object#returning and doto are certainly higher-order functions (doto actually happens to be a macro) in that they take a “function” as a parameter. In the case of Object#returning the “function” is a block. doto is a bit more general in that it takes one or more forms, not merely functions.

But neither Object#returning nor doto, in general, return a function. Contrast this with const and constantly, both of which return functions.


Ruby on Rails’ Object#returning, Ruby 1.9’s Object#tap, and Clojure’s doto are useful for clearly delineating code whose only purpose is to introduce side-effects on or about some target object. Examples include:

  • tracing for debugging
  • multi-step object initialization through setters

These are higher-order functions in that they each take a functional argument (or in doto’s case, one or more). None of them, however, in general, produces a function.

The K combinator, as exemplified by Haskell’s const and Clojure’s constantly, is useful in cases where you need to succinctly construct a function that, irrespective of its argument(s), always returns the same value. A K combinator is a higher-order function that produces a function.

Object#returning, Object#tap, and doto are not K combinators. const and constantly are. These are two useful, but distinct, concepts.


[1] Whereas returning yields its first parameter to the block, tap yields self and so it only needs a block parameter.